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Wood vs. Faux Wood Garage Doors

When it comes to choosing a custom wooden garage door, which one should you go with? Real wood or faux wood? The choice may be obvious for some, but for others, it’s not so easy. To make the best investment for your home, it helps to know each garage door a little bit better. How do wood or faux wood garage doors differ? What’s the cost difference? How long does each garage door last? We’re answering all that and more to help you decide if wood or faux wood garage doors are right for you.

Wood vs. faux wood garage door appearance

wood vs faux wood garage door

Because garage doors can take up to 40% of a home’s facade, the look of them is really important. That especially rings true when it comes to wooden garage doors — real or fake.

Faux wood

Faux wood garage doors are built to look real but are made with different materials — typically fiberglass, aluminum, or steel. They’re then covered with overlays of wood composite or faux wood that give the appearance (and sometimes texture) of real wood. Depending on the style, materials, colors, and craftsmanship used, faux wood garage doors can often pass as the real thing.

Real wood

Of course, there really is nothing that can compare to the real thing. Garage doors built with real wood look more authentic because, well, they are. Not to mention, there are tons of options when it comes to customizing wooden garage doors, like:


Wood vs. faux wood cost

Just like any other purchase for your home, it’s important to keep cost and budget in mind when shopping for or customizing garage doors.

Faux wood

Because they’re made with less expensive materials, faux garage doors are a bit more budget-friendly. However, they’re still pricier than most standard steel garage doors because they’re made with better materials and require some customization.

Real wood

You may have already guessed this one, but real wood garage doors come with a higher price tag than most others. However, because there are tons of wood options to choose from, a custom garage door can typically fit within different budgets. It’s also important to remember that garage doors are one of the best ways to increase your home’s value because they provide a significant return on investment — usually above 90%. 

Longevity of your garage door materials

The lifespan of a garage door is typically anywhere from 15-30 years old. That goes for both faux and real wood garage doors. However, each has unique pros and cons to their upkeep, all of which can impact how long they last.

Faux wood

Like other fiberglass and steel garage doors, faux wood ones are relatively easy to maintain. They’re also not as susceptible to the elements like moisture and humidity. However, they can still dent and show visible damage from an accident or storm. 

Real wood

Real wood garage doors require a bit more maintenance to withstand the test of time. It’s recommended they are stained or painted every 1-2 years to look their best and stay in good shape. And just like any other wood throughout your home, wooden garage doors are more susceptible to damage from the elements and insects. However, with routine maintenance and proper care (like water-resistant paint coats and proper sealing), your wood garage door can remain just as durable as any other.

Design your custom wood garage door at American Garage Door

Real or fake, wood or steel, brown or beige — no matter which garage door you choose for your Denver-area home, American Garage Door is ready to help. We even offer custom wood garage doors so you can build and create a one-of-a-kind look for your home. Reach out for your free estimate to get started now!