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Don’t Stress the Mess: 5 Tips to Declutter Your Garage

A garage can quickly turn into a catchall space for everything we don’t want in our homes. Over time, old things pile up and are forgotten, making decluttering an overwhelming task. It also turns your garage into an unusable space. In Denver, storing your car in your garage is non-negotiable during the hail and winter […]

Why Is My Garage Door Light Blinking?

The sensors on your garage door are designed to keep you safe by letting you know that your garage door is operating correctly. So, when the sensor light on your garage door opener is blinking, it’s a cause for concern. In some cases, the fix can be as simple as decluttering the area around your […]

The Evolution of Garage Doors

When the automobile burst on the scene, it was exclusively for the most wealthy citizens. But as materials became more affordable to acquire and cars were easier to build, cars quickly replaced the horse as a primary mode of transportation. And like horses, people wanted to keep their vehicles safe.  In this post, you’ll discover […]