Broken glass may be hard to mend, but replacing it with the right option will definitely bring you peace of mind – especially when it comes to garage door windows. Even the highest-quality garage doors can end up with a broken window, whether due to an accidental impact or a severe storm. 

If this is your case, the last thing you want to do is postpone its replacement. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about garage door window replacement so you can make informed decisions and enhance your home’s security. 

What Type of Glass Provides the Best Security?

Tempered Glass

Tempered glass is much stronger than regular glass, which makes it a good choice for garage door windows. This glass is specially treated to withstand impacts and shattering. If it does break, it shatters into small, relatively harmless pieces rather than large, sharp shards, making it a safer option too.

Laminated Glass

Laminated glass consists of two or more layers of glass bonded with a layer of clear polyvinyl butyral (PVB) between them. This interlayer is designed to hold the glass together even when it’s broken, preventing intruders from easy access. 

Impact-Resistant Glass

Some manufacturers offer impact-resistant glass designed to withstand substantial impacts, such as those caused by storms or attempted break-ins. This type of glass may be a good choice if you want a balance between security and protection against severe weather.

Wire Glass

Wire glass consists of a mesh of metal wires embedded within the glass. While it’s less secure than laminated or tempered glass, it’s more resistant to breakage than regular glass. It can be a cost-effective option for garage door security.

Polycarbonate or Lexan Panels

Polycarbonate or Lexan panels are an impact-resistant alternative to traditional glass. These panels are difficult to break and can be a solid choice if you want a durable, secure garage door window.

The Step-By-Step Process of Garage Door Window Replacement

Tools You’ll Need:

  • Safety goggles and gloves
  • Putty knife
  • Screwdriver
  • Pliers
  • Measuring tape
  • Surface primer
  • Glazing compound

Safety First

Before you start, make sure you wear safety goggles and gloves to protect your eyes and hands.

Step 1: Remove the Old Window 

If you’re replacing a garage door window because it broke, carefully remove the broken glass from the window frame. 

If you’re simply upgrading the window, remove any trim or molding around the old window using a screwdriver or pliers. Then, remove the screws or fasteners that hold the window frame in place and gently pull the old window frame away from the door.

Step 2: Clean the Opening 

Use a putty knife to remove any old glazing compound or caulk from the opening, leaving the area clean and smooth.

Step 3: Apply Primer to the Frame

Using a pointed tool, gently pry out the old points that are holding the glass pane in place. Be careful not to apply too much pressure and break the glass. Then, apply a coat of surface primer to the frame and let it dry completely. The primer creates a bonding surface on the window frame, improving paint adhesion or other finishes. It also helps seal the surface of the window frame, reducing its susceptibility to moisture infiltration.

Step 4: Measure the Replacement Glass

Measure the dimensions of the replacement glass or acrylic panel, ensuring it fits correctly within the existing frame. Garage door windows come in various sizes and shapes, so getting accurate dimensions is crucial to prevent gaps, air leaks, or other issues that can compromise the insulation and security of your garage. 

If your replacement glass or acrylic panel does not fit, contact American Garage Door. Our garage door experts will help with a secure and efficient installation. 

Step 5: Apply Glazing Compound

After checking that the primer is dry, lay a thin bead of glazing compound around the perimeter of the opening. Then, place the replacement glass or acrylic panel into the opening, pressing gently to ensure a good seal.

Step 6: Secure the New Window

Align the replacement glass or acrylic panel across the frame and insert it in place, pressing it softly along the edges to fix it. Use screws or fasteners to secure the new window frame, ensuring it’s snug but not too tight to avoid cracking the glass. Let the glazing compound dry, and if necessary, paint the frame to match the rest of the window. 

Garage door with windows replaced

How to Keep Your Home Safe While Replacing a Garage Door Window

Taking extra steps to maintain your home’s security is essential to garage door window replacement. Here are some simple tips to keep your home safe during the process: 

Lock the Main Entry Doors

Before you start working on your garage door window, ensure that all the exterior doors to your home are securely locked. This could include front and back doors and any side entrances.

Activate Your Security System

If you have a home security system, consider activating it while working on your garage door window. 

Secure Valuables

Move valuable items, such as tools, bikes, or expensive equipment, away from the garage area and out of sight to minimize the risk of theft. 

Have a Helper

If possible, have someone assist you during the replacement process. They can keep an eye on your surroundings while you work and alert you if there are any security concerns.

Notify Neighbors

Let your neighbors know about your home improvement project, especially if it involves making noise or having your garage door open for an extended period. This way, they can watch for any unusual activity around your property.

Test the New Window

Before closing up, test your new window to make sure it’s securely in place and functioning correctly. Check that the door closes and locks without any issues.

A well-executed garage door window replacement enhances your home’s aesthetics and contributes to your family’s security. After all, your garage door plays a vital role in safeguarding your home, and its windows are no exception. So, when you embark on this project, take your time, prioritize safety measures, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed. 

At American Garage Door, we’re committed to providing high-quality garage door services at affordable prices. Contact Us any time of day or night – our trained technicians are happy to help you make your window replacement as seamless as possible.